May 19 , 2018

Cision results

We have now been users on the Cision platform for nearly three months. So far, I am very pleased with the results. As we continue to master this tool, I expect we will do even better.
I realize most of you have yet to benefit from this. We are in the process of going through our releases and starting campaigns for them on the tool. We are working back from our most recent releases. Eventually, our goal is to run a campaign for every author and book under contract.
Here's what's been happening so far. We have access to 1.6 million people in media. We have a 5000 limit for each email. Our typical email taps about 2000 people -- we try not to abuse the system. We've noticed we get about two hits per thousand. This means, for every email in the campaign, we are getting requests for review copies or interviews. We have noticed a better return for nonfiction versus fiction.
Over time, as we steadily send emails about your books, we should have a steady pulse of media attention. Please be ready to respond when its your turn. Also, be sure to let us know if you don't want to be on TV or radio.