It’s hard to imagine what life might have been like way back when around 50 AD or so, but if we were to try, it might look a little something like ...

Chris Fenwick

July 12 , 2018

Ketih Rommel Opens Up on His Thanatology

I had a chance to talk with the author of the “Thanatology” series and learned some interesting background about his books. The series came about b...

Rachel Sims, an indomitable spirit in an intolerant religious community, is rumored to have left her husband for a man driving an expensive car f...

Coast to Coast Newspaper publishes a compelling review of R.E.M.F. - Vietnam's Other GIs, written by John VanDevanter Carter. Roberta Deen, from...

Chris Fenwick

July 06 , 2018

The American West Portrayed in Atonement

An American era that has continually existed as a time full of mystery and intrigue is the time period following the Civil War, particularly in the...

Jack the Ripper, the (unfortunately) famous serial killer of the Whitechapel area, gets a new name in Michael Hawley's evidence-packed book, Jack...

Chris Fenwick

July 03 , 2018

Journey to the Gotham Graves

What better time to visit New York City’s historical side than this July? The perfect tour to pay your respects to three notable figures from the B...

Check out Deseret News coverage of Dr. Scott Zuckerman's work: Deseret News "Dreams of my Comrades is, blessedly, not just another misty-eyed ...

After learning about Dystopian literature's newest addition, re-immerse yourself in the world of the Titan Strain and learn where to get your cop...