The life of "Gettysburg Eddie" Plank, Hall-of-Fame baseball pitcher recounted

Adams County native was one of the stars of Connie Mack's Philadelphia Athletics GETTYSBURG, Pa. - April 10, 2018 -- Born in Gettysburg, Pennsylva...

Threading Love to host the authors of "A Short Season"

Progeria (rapid premature aging) affects less than 100 people worldwide LEWISBURG, Pa. - April 6, 2018 -- Threading Love, the apparel store at 419...

Philly's forgotten 70s Rock 'n' Roll trio once performed with music greats

New biography of Philadelphia band BANG who hit it big in the early 1970s PHILADELPHIA - April 5, 2018 -- Our heads will always jam out to the cla...

March 19 , 2018

Trouble at Barnes and Noble

Our news regarding Barnes and Noble has been a mixed bag. First and foremost, the chain had a terrible year in 2017 and is taking some drastic acti...

Mark Pendergrast’s “The Most Hated Man in America” repeats as the Sunbury Press bestseller for February

MECHANICSBURG, Pa. — Sunbury Press has released the bestsellers list for February. Recently released The Most Hated Man in America: Jerry Sandusky...

J. Geoffrey Barber’s historical novel “Three Rogues in Gettysburg” tops Milford House Press bestsellers for February

MECHANICSBURG, Pa. — Sunbury Press has released the bestsellers list for February for its Milford House Press fiction imprint. J. Geoffrey Barber’...

Thomas Malafarina’s “Malaformed Realities Volume 2” is #1 at Hellbender Books for February

MECHANICSBURG, Pa. — Sunbury Press has released the bestsellers list for February for its horror/thriller imprint, HELLBENDER BOOKS. Veteran autho...

William F. Lee’s grief memoir “All My Heroes Are Gone” once again Brown Posey Press bestseller for February

MECHANICSBURG, Pa. — Sunbury Press has released the bestsellers list for February for its literary fiction imprint, BROWN POSEY PRESS. William ...

We have begun a pilot of our new Blog Talk Radio channel. The goal is to regularly build content regarding each of our imprints and then use our so...