Author - David Michael Slater
David Michael Slater is a celebrated teacher and author of over 20 works of fiction and non-fiction. David’s We’re Doing It Wrong: 25 Ideas in Education That Just Don’t Work—And How to Fix Them, a thought-provoking dissection of the issues plaguing American public schools, was lauded by dozens of experts in the field as “a must read,” and “the most important common sense approach to fixing our public schools.” David was named Educator of the Year when he taught in the Beaverton, Oregon, schools and now teaches in Reno. A number of David’s works of fiction are in development for film and TV. You can learn more about David and his work at www.davidmichaelslater.com.
David Michael Slater
Wingnuts$12.95A Field Guide to Everyday Extremism in America ...A Field Guide to Everyday Extremism in America Do NOT read this book if you want your passionate convictions admired or your enemy’s stupidity mocked. Do NOT read this book if you have emotionally ...