A native of the grand ol’ country of Texas, Katherine Bowers, left her blessed country over 39 years ago and now resides in Pennsylvania with her extremely patient and loving husband, Robert. She is the mother of two and Gaga (grandmother) to seven. She has been known as an author, speaker, baker, ship-lap queen, but most of all she identifies as a daughter of the King who is head over heels, soul, mind, heart and oomph, in love with Jesus. Woo Hoo! She is the author of “Spiritual Laxative for the Constipated Soul” as well as “You Don’t Dig for Water Under the Outhouse”. Her Bombeckesque style of writing, coupled with her brand of “Texanese”, generously seasoned with her humor, quick wit and unforgettable tales of her painful and sometimes humorous past serves up spiritual truth in “bite-sized” nuggets creating a “spiritual tonic “for the aching soul. She has an Associate’s Degree in “Life in the Pit”, a Bachelor’s Degree in “Amazing Grace”, and a Master’s Degree in “Christ’s Redeeming Love.” Her hope is to give those travelling this road of life a glimpse of what it really means to be “a blood-bought, battle-fought, saved-by-amazing-grace, daughter of the King.
Katherine Bowers
Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Naked5 reviews$16.95by Katherine Bowers Ever found yourself stuck o...by Katherine Bowers Ever found yourself stuck on the shoulder of life, afraid to veer out into traffic, petrified of being blind-sided by yet another reckless driver? I so want to be the brand of...