Secret missile test witnessed by JFK off the coast of Cuba tied to his assassination in "The Compass Island Incident: November 1963"

MECHANICSBURG, PA – Sunbury Press has released The Compass Island Incident: November 1963 a novel by Wade Fowler, under its Milford House Press imprint. About the Book: John Franklin Kincaid clocks out at 4 PM on Thursday, August 27, 1953, after his shift at New York Shipbuilding Corporation's sprawling shipyard in Camden, New Jersey, never to be seen or heard from again. A little more than a decade later, a little girl is assailed by a terrible recurring nightmare. She dreams she is a man, buried alive in a dark compartment in the bowels of a ship under construction. On November 16, 1963, President Kennedy helicopters to that ship, now a US Naval vessel called the USS Compass Island, as it steams off the coast of Florida to witness the firing of a Polaris missile clandestinely targeting Cuba's Fidel Castro. And so topple the first dominoes in a chain of events leading inexorably to the president's assassination one week later in Dallas, Texas. Who killed JFK -- the president and shipyard worker? The answers abide on the Compass Island as the old ship casts off on its final voyage to the scrap yard in October of 2003 with descendants of John Franklin Kincaid on board and determined to solve not one, but two murder mysteries.

About the Author:
Wade Fowler is a career journalist with more than thirty years of experience with daily and weekly newspapers. He was a copy editor, feature writer and beat reporter for The Patriot-News of Harrisburg, PA, for 10 years before leaving to become editor of the Perry County Times in New Bloomfield.
He has won Keystone Press Awards for investigative reporting, feature series writing, and headline writing and is a former president of the Pennsylvania Society of Newspaper Editors.
Fowler is a native of North Carolina, a veteran of the U.S. Navy, and a graduate of Guilford College, Greensboro, N.C.
He and his wife, Sharon, live in New Cumberland, PA. They have three children and two grandchildren.
by Wade Fowler
Trade Paperback - 6 x 9 x 1
258 Pages
Fiction / Historical
Fiction / Mystery & Detective / Historical
Also available on Kindle For more information, please see: