CAMP HILL, Pa. -- Camp Hill, PA - Sunbury Press has released Thomas Malafarina's horror novel Ninety-Nine Souls. It is available from the publisher and from and other online booksellers.
This is Malafarina's first novel and is the first of three books contracted by Sunbury Press.
About the book:
Thomas Malafarina's first novel is set in 1965 in his native Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
A young boy is savagely disemboweled in the presence of his friends at an abandoned coal mine by an unidentified creature. During the investigation, which follows, a Philadelphia television reporter learns from an eccentric old codger a terrible legend about the disastrous history of the mine - a tale about a mine disaster many years ago in which three coal miners were trapped a mile below the surface. Out of desparation, one of the miners sold his soul to Satan in order to get revenge for the disaster. In return, Satan transformed this man into an immortal soul-feeding demon that must remain trapped in the mine until he gathers ninety-nine souls.
How do you kill what can't be killed? How do you stop the unstoppable? Welcome to a place where terror reigns, where unspeakable horror and demonic savagery is the norm; where lost souls writhe and struggle for a freedom that may never come.
Welcome to Coogan's mine; the home of Devil Dan.
Publication Date: Jul 12 2010
ISBN/EAN13: 1453653716 / 9781453653715
Page Count: 160
Binding Type: US Trade Paper
Trim Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Related Categories: Fiction / Horror
About Thomas Malafarina:
Thomas M. Malafarina was born July 23, 1955 in the town of Ashland, Pennsylvania, in the heart of the hard coal region. He was raised in a small, wood-framed row house along with his parents, his younger brother and two older sisters. Growing up in this blue-collar community Thomas learned the importance of hard work and dedication to family. These values instilled by his parents guided him through to his adult life.
Thomas has enjoyed a life-long love of writing, music and art and has been intrigued by the world of horror since before elementary school. While other kids were assembling model airplanes and cars, Thomas preferred to build Aurora Universal Studios Monster models of Frankenstein's monster, the Wolf Man, Dracula and others. While others were drawing pictures of flowers and trees, he was drawing horrible monsters.
Thomas continued his love of all things horror by amassing an extensive collection of horror movies and books. Every year Thomas uses his artistic skills to create and donate a truckload or more of disturbing horror art sculptures and scenery to the Womelsdorf JC's annual non-profit "Barn of Terror" Halloween Haunt.
For many years while working as a manufacturing engineer, technical trainer and technical writer, Thomas dreamed of finding some extra time write a horror novel. Ninety-Nine Souls is Thomas's first book and is the culmination of that dream but signifies much more. It symbolizes a rekindled love Thomas has for writing and an enjoyment of creating horror stories that had burned deep within him unfulfilled for far too many years. Now with the flame relit, Thomas plans to produce many more works of horror fiction for the horror loving public's enjoyment.
Thomas lives in South Heidelberg Township, just outside of Wernersville, PA with his wife JoAnne. They have three grown children and three grandchildren.
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