Sunbury Press: Your role as “Michael” in The Cursed Man movie is that of a pivotal character in the story. Without giving away any spoilers, can you tell everyone a little something about the role you play?
Ian Watson: Oh my. That’s very difficult. There is a lot more to Michael than meets the eye but I shall do my best. Michael is an orderly responsible for taking care of Alister Kunkle (our “Cursed Man”) at the SunnySide Mental Institution. He cares about Alister and is deeply sympathetic to his mental disorder. That is a very shallow description but I shall leave it at that so I don’t reveal any spoilers.
SP: What was the most enjoyable and challenging parts of working on this film?
IW: The entire process was enjoyable! The Cursed Man has a very special place in my heart. It’s the first film I booked after graduating UCSB (go Gauchos!) so my entire family and I were all so excited! Also, the entire cast and crew are all so amazingly talented and kind people that every day on set and every scene shot really was a treat. The most challenging part (but still enjoyable) was playing the complex realities that exist in The Cursed Man world. There are elements that happen in this movie that would never happen in real life so playing the reality of those situations was a fun but challenging part of the film.
SP: You've done quite a bit of work since the filming of The Cursed Man was completed. Can you tell us what you’ve been up to?
IW: I’ve been lucky! Most recently, a film I have a supporting role in, Boned (trust me it’s not a porn) was released on iTunes and Amazon. The film is really well done and was directed and written by an amazing artist, Laura Lee Bahr. Also, I get to play a badass Goth, so what more can you want! Also released this year on iTunes and Amazon, I appeared in the film Selfie Shootout. I got to play the beautiful yet cunning Tiffany who wins the heart of one of the selfie judges. I had an absolute blast playing her! I have a couple of other films in post-production but those release dates are still TBD. Oh and I also have had the pleasure to play a multitude of “creepy” characters on different Investigation Discovery Channel shows which has been really fun.
SP: Come Halloween night, 2016, the premiere of The Cursed Man movie is going to hit the big screen at the Alex Theater in Glendale CA. What are your thoughts about seeing yourself on a screen … So large?
IW: It’s intimidating but very exciting! I can’t wait to see the finished product and hopefully a lot of familiar faces from the cast and crew.
SP: If you had to sum up The Cursed Man in a few words, what comes to mind?
IW: A glimpse into a man’s personal psychological thriller.
SP: When playing such a significant role as you have in The Cursed Man movie, can you tell everyone what sort of preparations you need to make before getting in set?
IW: Well, every actor has their own process. In every role I do, I always answer Uta Hagan’s Nine questions: Who am I?, What time is it?, Where am I?, What surrounds me?, What are the given circumstances?, What is my relationship?, What do I want?, What is in my way?, and What do I do to get what I want?. Then I add a tenth question, what is at stake? This gives me a really good foundation going into every scene. For this film specifically, I read the book to get as much information about my character as possible. The book is amazing by the way! If you haven’t read it, you’re missing out! I also, read a lot of information on mental health.
SP: Besides acting and trying to land your next big gig, what do you like to do in your spare time?
IW: I love improvisation and sketch comedy. I’m taking classes at the moment and writing just for fun. I love doing anything that’s creative. So, all the cliche things, dancing, singing, painting (I’m terrible).
SP: Do you believe Alister is cursed?
IW: I believe Alister believes he’s cursed. We can just leave it at that ;)
SP: We would like to give you the final word and pass any message along to your fans as well as fans of The Cursed Man. The floor is yours …
IW: Thanks for the awesome interview! And thank you to anyone who read it all the way through. I hope everyone thoroughly enjoys the film. It was created by an amazing group of actors and filmmakers who put in a lot of hard and great work. Oh, and follow me on twitter, @IanTWatson.
About the Premiere:
World Premiere of THE CURSED MAN movie – Alex Theatre in Glendale, CA. Halloween Night October 31, 2016 – 7pm to 11pm – Party before and after. This may be the greatest movie premiere on Halloween Night in the History of the Alex Theatre. For more information about the venue, please see:
About the Book:
Alister Kunkle believes death is in love with him. A simple smile from friend or stranger is all it takes to encourage death to kill.
With his family deceased and a path of destruction behind him, Alister sits inside a mental institution, sworn to silence and separated from the rest of the world, haunted by his inability to escape death’s preferential treatment.
But when a beautiful psychologist arrives at the institution and starts offering him care, Alister braces himself for more killings. When none follow, he tries to figure out whether he truly is insane or if death has finally come to him in the form of a woman.
About the Author:
Keith Rommel is an award-winning author of ten novels and is an award-winning screenwriter. His writing has been called, “Horror for the curious mind.” His first two novels, The Cursed Man and The Lurking Man are at various stages of production to become motion pictures. 2016.
The Cursed Man
Authored by Keith Rommel
List Price: $14.95
5″ x 8″ (12.7 x 20.32 cm)
Black & White on White paper
222 pages
Sunbury Press, Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-1620063682
ISBN-10: 1620063689
BISAC: Fiction / Thrillers
About The Cursed Man Movie (2016):
Alister Kunkle believes death is in love with him. A simple smile from friend or stranger is all it takes to encourage death to kill.