How do you teach art without a classroom?
Marianne Bickett had been teaching for over 35 years. She thought she’d done it all.
Enter: the magic art cart.
Soon, ordinary days are filled with laughter, tears, and magic as she shuttles a grey cart from classroom to classroom and watches it transform into a traveling children’s art gallery.
This memoir is a bounty of flair and color. Not only a story of discoveries and adventures at an elementary school, it also encompasses personal heartbreak, grief, simple joys, and the wonders of adopting a nearby creek to teach her students, and in turn herself, how to go with the flow.
The students become the teachers and the teacher becomes the student in this inspirational story of making and teaching art in unexpected circumstances.
Parents, teachers, and those interested in education get a glimpse into a world that enlightens and delights, a rare look into what flexibility and creativity it takes to be a teacher. This colorful and insightful memoir is an inspiration to rethink daunting problems into infinite possibilities.
by Marianne Bickett
Page Count: 261
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Publish Date: January 31, 2022
Imprint: Oxford Southern
Genre: Memoir
ART / Study & Teaching
EDUCATION / Arts in Education
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Art a la Cart, Marianne Bickett’s poetic journey as a teaching artist rolling her magic cart around, is a treasure of a book. Through her engaging lessons, it is wonderful to see how Marianne’s passion for art and nature fosters the students' thirst for discovery. She knows how to slow down and be in the moment with her students, living the experience. She reminds the reader how important it is to take the time to listen, even if classes are short. This book is less about techniques than connecting profoundly and joyfully with nature and giving the student the gift to keep their creativity alive. Every school should integrate visual arts into the curriculum for the well-being of all the students. Marianne’s approach is delightful. I hope Art a la Cart will touch you as much as it did to me.
This delightful book is truly a hidden treasure. There is something in here for anyone who needs Hope! Her sublime descriptions of the cart, her students, and her experiences draw the reader into a special place that is hiding in plain sight. Marianne takes the reader into nature, relationships, and life in way that touches the heart and nourishes the spirit and soul. Reading Art Ala Cart is a refreshing tonic that everyone can enjoy!
I found this book to be educational, refreshing and inspiring and came away with a greater appreciation for what it takes to be a teacher. The author accepts a position as an art teacher at an elementary school and shortly before the school year begins, learns she will be a teacher without a classroom. She will be a traveling art teacher with a cart. Ms. Bickett shares how she embraces this unique teaching experience and engages her students with creative lessons and adventures. In addition, Ms. Bickett recognizes students and teachers alike have personal situations that may intersect at school. She treats these situations with respect and care. Learning, growth, and positivity themes are present throughout the book. I highly recommend this book, especially for parents, teachers, and anyone interested in education or memoirs.
Bonus: Ms. Bickett shares lesson plans for several of the art projects!
For any reader, not just educators and parents, this book is inspiring and offers hope at a time when hope is so greatly needed. The chapters are not too long, and each one has a focus on a particular theme or lesson to learn. This made reading it enjoyable and gave me time to reflect upon each chapter. Ms. Bickett shares deeply personal and insightful experiences which can teach us all how to look for the way forward instead of despairing. I highly recommend this book. Yes, for parents and educators, and for all!
I found this to be a very good book, written with clarity and sincerity. There is an emphasis on life lessons learned, rather than the author’s ego, which I found most refreshing. As such, there is something of worth in here for every reader. The author steps in and out of the story arc, being both an active participant in the drama and also serving as the once-removed observer. This is an effective narrative technique, here masterfully done.
Life’s surprises (some good, and some bad) provide opportunities for learning and growth. To start with, the unexpected lack of an art classroom opened the door to using nature and the greater outdoors as a more real classroom. Each chapter ends with a poignant summarizing lesson, which effectively strengthens the book’s structural cohesiveness. In addition, chapters are grouped into units which correspond to teaching years. I highly recommend this book, not only for dedicated memoir readers, but to everyone interested in a good read.
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