From the small farming village of Altfeld, Bavaria, near the City of Werthheim, Hans Peter Knorr/Knauer and his brothers Melchior and Johannes left for the colony of Pennsylvania via Rotterdam. They and their families traveled aboard The Duke of Bedford with many other German-speaking pioneers, arriving in Philadelphia in 1751. The brothers initially settled in the Germantown area, subsequently spreading into Berks County and the Mahantongo Valley., following the French and Indian War. This book details their descendants to the present day, covering nearly 7,000 individuals. Family names include:
Adams, Albert, Ashbey, Beissel, Bickel, Bohner, Boyer, Brossman, Brown, Castor, Clark, Daniels, Dietz, Dimmick, Dunkelberger, Edwards, Erdman, Eyrich, Fetterolf, Fisher, Foster, Gipple, Graeff, Haas, Hafer, Haines, Hart, Haupt, Heim, Herb, Hetrich, Hornung, Horst, Kauffman, Kelly, Kiefer, Kissinger, Kline, Klinger, Knauer, Knorr, Lerch, Lesher, Malick, Marks, Martin, Masser, Maurer, McCoy, Mervine, Merwine, Metzger, Miller, Minnich, Moyer, Obenhaus, Opperman, Oxenrider, Painter, Paul, Potts, Rebuck, Reifsnyder, Rettinger, Romberger, Rothermel, Scheddel, Shadle, Schmeck, Seifert, Shower, Shroyer, Snyder, Spangler, Speicher, Starr, Steeley, Stiehly, Stiely, Swope, Tolbert, Troutman, Wagner, Walker, Weigle, Wert, Wetzel, Wiest, Williams, Wolfgang, Zartman, and many more.
Page Count: 270
Trim Size: 8.5 x 11
Publish Date: 2007
Imprint: Distelfink Press
Genre: History