Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Naked

Katherine Bowers


by Katherine Bowers Ever found yourself stuck on the shoulder of life, afraid to veer out into traffic, petrified of being blind-sided by yet another reckless driver?   I so want to...

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by Katherine Bowers

Ever found yourself stuck on the shoulder of life, afraid to veer out into traffic, petrified of being blind-sided by yet another reckless driver?  

I so want to be the brand of woman, that when my feet hit the floor the devil cries, “Oh no, she’s up!”  As the author of “Spiritual Laxative for the Constipated Soul” and “You Don’t Dig for Water Under the Outhouse”, you would think I’d know enough to be a great defensive and offensive driver. But honest-to-Pete, I’ve been known, a time or two, to stall in the middle of the road of life, immobilized like a deer in headlights. anticipating the next fender-bender.  

I’ve allowed road conditions, others’ actions and my feelings to guide me instead of God’s Protective System only to end up in a ditch, bone-tired, weeping and pitching a hissy fit, because I opted on meandering down this unpredictable road of life, buck-naked.  An all-you can eat buffet, served on a silver platter, for the devil, all because I took my eyes off God’s “High Way”!

I’ve discovered that if I focus on the faithfulness of God, the detours where God showed up and did what only He can do, my faith increases, and my sense of direction and driving improves by leaps and bounds.  He can take the junk in our trunk, the collisions, detours, traffic jams, pedestrians, potholes and road construction and use it for His glory and our good. 

And it all began the day I spied Jesus walking down the street….

Page Count: 158
Trim Size: 6 x 9
Publish Date: October 15, 2024
Imprint: Scriptoria Press
Genre: Humor

HUMOR / Topic / Religion
HUMOR / Topic / Men, Women & Relationships
RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Michelle Pettinato
Great read! Very insightful and fun!

As I was reading “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Naked”, I was filled with such joy as I got to experience the fun of Kathy’s humor, the insight of what she has learned along her journey, and her love of Jesus and His word! She cares and wants us to be prepared and have what we need in our life’s path so we will not “drive naked!” She has learned that God has a plan for each of us and we can trust Him with every part of our lives!

There are many parts of this book that are so meaty, so I lingered and “chewed” on things that Jesus opened my eyes about.

She shows her strong love for Jesus, in sharing that we can be transformed by Him and look different than the world, so others can ask about the hope we have in Jesus!

We can’t be totally filled up by others and she writes that Jesus is the One who can fill up our “Joy tanks” perfectly!

This book challenged me in my spiritual walk to wake up and live for Jesus completely so I won’t regret how I lived my life when I am face to face with Jesus one day!

Tina Felbeck
Heart Felt

A collection of stories, with wit and humor, in her classic Texanese way of writing. You will laugh and cry along with her as she recounts stories of her past as she points out God's presence through them all!!! Her love for her Lord and Savior shines throughout!

Debbie Boone
Highly recommended!!

This book will not only touch your heart but will point you to the One and only, Jesus Christ, who has brought the author through some of the most difficult and painful trials in her life. The author shares her stories with a Texanese flair that will have you in stitches but also with genuine raw emotion that is so relatable. It will open your heart to question and reflect on your own life. It is a privilege to read this book and know this author personally! I am thankful for her gift of writing, her humble heart, and her obedience to follow this calling! Don’t miss out on reading this book and telling others about it. You will be glad you did!

Linda Geisler
Friends Don't Let Friend's Drive Naked

This is one of those books you can't put down. It makes you laugh and cry. What a testimony! Loved it!

Dawn Green
Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Naked

It is a very special book, like no other I have ever read.
There is no doubt in my mind that God has a special plan for the author and the obstacles she overcame from her past and is using this read to draw others to him and his word. The author put her heart and soul into the pages and her love for Christ oozes through the words on the page into the reader’s mind for thought and reflection. Her sense of humor and Texanese are like no other. The humor spreads joy and makes people smile in days where there seems to be less and less to bring smiles to our faces. I shared a couple of the expressions with a neighbor yesterday who had a good laugh. That is what the author does in this book, brings smiles and hope to so many of us.
You won’t want to miss the privilege to read this! I will warn you to have Kleenex nearby for the belly laughs and tears of compassion you will feel.